
My Green October - Day 18


Arooo little wolflings! (It was a howl, okay? We all like to howl don't we?) 
My vegetarian month is still going strong! I'm feeling healthier than ever and cooking is soo much fun because there are still tons of recipes that I want to try out before the month goes to an end. And believe it or not, right now I'm seriously considering to remain a vegetarian until Christmas (!). We'll see about that further on, I guess, but here comes a delicious lentil-soup recipe that I came up with on my own the other day. It was SO delicious that I just have to share it with you:

Red lentil and curry soup
approx. 3 dl red lentils
olive oil
1/2  bell pepper (I used an orange one because it's the best colour <3)
about 10 cherry tomatoes
2 potatoes
onion (I used one yellow and one red)
garlic (to your liking, I like LOTS of garlic)
1 carrot
1/2 red chili
turnip (cut off a piece the size of a medium potato)
1 parsnip
2 stock cubes
2 msk tomato purée
Red curry paste (to your liking)

paprika powder
black pepper
1 dl fresh herbs (I used basil and parsley)
natural yoghurt
optional: some alfalfa sprouts

Dice up the bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, potatoes, onions, carrot, red chili, garlic, turnip and parsnip into tiny little pieces. Put your pot on the stove and turn on the heat, add olive oil, tomato purée and the red curry paste and let this stir a little. Add the lentils and everything you chopped and fry this carefully until everything has become a little softer but not coloured. Then add water so that it can start to cook and put the lid on. Now let this cook until the lentils are all breaking apart and everything else is soft enough for your liking, you might have to add water once in a while. I wanted my soup really thick and almost smooth, so I turned the heat down to medium and let it cook for about 40 minutes so that the soup was as smooth as in the picture but still with some chunks left. Add paprika powder, black pepper and nutmeg and remember to taste it so that it's not too strong or mild, and your soup is ready! I sprinkled some fresh basil and parsley on top before serving and then I served it with natural yoghurt and alfalfa sprouts on top and pita bread by the side. Best soup I ever made, I promise, so you have to give it a try! 

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